

If you or someone living you with has a disability and they are assessed by an occupational therapist as needing an adaptation we may be able to assist you with the cost.

Following your assessment the council will decide if it will support the recommended adaptation and if so we will progress your application for a disabled facilities grant.

The type of work undertaken includes improving access to, from and around your home, access to the garden, bathroom adaptations. lifts and hoists.

Means Testing

If the cost of your adaptation in under £2000 you will not have to contribute towards the cost. If the cost is over £2000 the amount paid will be based on a financial assessment (means test). This takes account of your income, savings and capital assets and that of your partner. Children’s cases and some tenants of social registered landlords are not subjected to a means test.

If you do not wish to proceed through this process you can use our Care and Repair service to assist you make the adaptation yourself. You would have to pay for the work yourself along with our fee but you would receive all our support and expertise through the process.

Care and Repair

To arrange an assessment of your needs with an occupational therapist and begin the application process please call 01744 676767 and ask for an occupational therapist assessment.

All disabled people and their carers are entitled to an assessment of their needs.

DFG Booklet

Equipment and Adaptation Booklet

Foundations UK 

Age UK